Madame Marissa | Sneakers Femdom

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Madame Marissa wanted her slave to know that he was nowhere near her level and that he had to know his place and respect it. She did not want him trying to compete with her. That is why she used her dirty sneakers to put him in his place. She had him lick her soles which were dirty and he had to do it until they were clean. He never forgot his place.

Madame Marissa did not like how late her slave was and she felt that he needed to do things better. She wanted him to improve his work ethic and so she gave him a reason to. This was in the form of torturing him with her sneakers and making sure he learned his lesson the hard way. The mistress used her sneakers to trample the shit out of him.

Madame Marissa was not interested in the kind of nonsense her husband did and she wanted to teach him never to do those things again. The mistress asked her husband to place his fingers on the kitchen counter and she used her sneakers to crush them as cruelly and as painfully as she could. He was shocked at what she did and he cried but that is how she knew that her punishment had worked.

Madame Marissa did not like how this couple tried to con her. She knew they must have succeeded in conning a few people out there and she had to put an end to it. So she invited them to her house to conclude the deal they thought they had with her but she ended up trampling their hands and crushing them using her sneakers. They learned their lesson the hard way.

Madame Marissa wanted to get some urgent info from this guy but he did not tell her what she wanted to know and he was buying time so that she would be frustrated and stop asking. She was not going to ask again and so she punished him for it. She stomped on him and trampled him with her sneakers until the pain got to him and he told her what she wanted to know.

This guy had lied about madame Marissa and she was pissed about it. She had to get even but she did not want to lie about him. She did not like lying. So she used her sneakers to get even. She made him lick her dirty soles and she also forced him to lie down and she trampled him using the same sneakers. He cried and knew he had messed with the wrong mistress.

Madame Marissa did not like how nosy her slave was. She had tried to talk to him about it so that he would change but he did not change. And she had to change her tactics of having him change. So she used her sneakers to trample him and she made sure he learned his lesson the hard way. In the process, she choked him and made him feel a lot of pain as she trampled him. He learned his lesson and changed.

Madame Marissa had beef with her husband. He was untamed and she did not like it. It did not augur well for their family. She had to tame him so that he could calm down and be a family man. The kind that he wanted him to be. So she used her sneakers to dominate him and humiliate him. She did so to send a message that he had to change.

When this slave tried to be unruly to his mistress, he did not know that he was going to get the sort of punishment he got from her. The mistress cruelly trampled and crushed his head as painfully as she could manage to and she made him cry and regret what he had done. She stomped him until she got tired of it. She also ignored his cries of pain.

Madame Marissa wanted to kill two birds with one stone so she got comfortable in her seat and she ordered her slave who she wanted to punish, to lick her feet. She did not want to stop one for the other. As she got settled in her seat, she chatted with her friends on her phone while the slave was being degraded and humiliated as he licked her feet as she had ordered him.

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