Humiliation | Sneakers Femdom

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Lady Stefanie did not want her driver to be pulled over for speeding. She did not want him to get a ticket but he did not seem to care that much. She also did not want an accident and that is why she asked him to pull over and she punished him by trampling him using her sneakers. He had his head crushed and his nuts too. He drove within the speed limit after that.

Goddess Nika used her dirty sneakers to make this guy regret why he had been ignorant about the happenings around him. He had no interest in it until she asked him but by then he did not have an answer and she felt like he was useless and that is why she trampled him using her sneakers. The sneakers were dirty but she did not care about what he felt.

This mistress loves sneakers. And she had bought several new pairs. She wanted to find out how they looked on her as well as if they were good for her trampling fetish. So she used them to trample this loser. She liked how they looked on her and she also liked how they made the loser cry and beg her for mercy. She knew they were worth her time and her money.

Mistress Isabella loves sneakers and she had bought a new pair today. She wore them and she flaunted them to her boyfriend. She wanted him to check out how sexy they were and also used that chance to tease him a little bit as she was in a good mod. The mistress ended up having a great time doing that and her boyfriend was turned on by what she did.

Mistress Mira and mistress Lyna found out that their names had been dropped from the team squad and they were angry. They could not understand why that had happened and yet they were two of the best players on the team. They did not even wait for an answer. They trampled their coach in his house using their sneakers and kicked him as well. They inflicted a lot of pain to him.

This mistress had muddy sneakers. And just before she could have them cleaned, this girl angered her and she took out her anger on the girl. She made the girl to lie down and she forced him to lick her soles. She also smeared her face with the mud on her sneakers and the girl cried at the pain as well as the humiliation she was subjected to by the mistress.

When this mistress came home and found that her husband had been lying on the couch the whole day, she was pissed. She did not want to have a lazy husband and she trampled him. Her sister in law came and when she heard what her brother had done, she also joined her sister in law in trampling her brother. It was a cruel punishment for him but he learned his lesson the hard way.

This guy had lied about madame Marissa and she was pissed about it. She had to get even but she did not want to lie about him. She did not like lying. So she used her sneakers to get even. She made him lick her dirty soles and she also forced him to lie down and she trampled him using the same sneakers. He cried and knew he had messed with the wrong mistress.

Goddess Chanel loves sneakers and she wears them all the time. She wanted new ones but her boyfriend bought her some poor quality ones when she wanted designer ones. She did not like it so she wore them and went out and stepped on dirt. Then she came back and she made him lick them clean. In addition, she made him her human ashtray before she sent him back to buy her proper ones.

Mistress Felicia is the sort of person who does not bend over backward for anyone. This client thought she would and gave her a lot of demands and demeaned her in the process. She got fed up and she felt that she was better off without his business. So she used her sneakers to teach him a lesson by making him lick her socks and do other crazy things before chasing him away.

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